There is no book u can find that is mentioned in it the number of Greek army were only 300 men infront of 18000 men of Persian army; In some of American & British encyclopedias is mentioned the number of Greek army were 2800 or 4000 or even 6400 men who were under the control of 300 Spartens & Leonidas was the commander of all of them! Also we can read it in 'Story Of Civilization' by Will Durant in 1935 who is a historian & a sociologist! I see something necessary to mention that is about David Stronach, professor of Oxford & Cambrige university who says Herodot has written whatever he wanted about Medieval Wars so we cannot trust in his words so much. In other words of David Stronach, he says that in 500 B.C, Greece believed only in two nations, one was Greek & the other was barbarian which means whoever except Greek nation was called barbarian, but what u see in this movie is like we, Persia call others 'barbarians' as it can never be right! In our history we had about 10000 or 12000 Greeks
men who worked for the army of Xerxes as employments but they all were paid money because the Greek economy was so low on that time & Greek men came to work for Persia because they wanted to spend their life better than what they could spend in their own country! (Read it in book of 'Pier Bryan')